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oct-2015Late-Holocene climate dynamics recorded in the peat bogs of Tierra del Fuego, South Americavan Bellen, Simon; Mauquoy, Dmitri; Hughes, Paul DM; Roland, Thomas P.; Daley, Tim J.; Loader, Neil J.; Street Perrott, F. Alayne; Rice, Emma M.; Pancotto, Veronica Andrea; Payne, Richard J.-
mar-2014Herbicide resistance modelling: past, present and futureRenton, Michael; Busi, Roberto; Neve, Paul; Thornby, David; Vila Aiub, Martin Miguel-
abr-2014Expanding the eco-evolutionary context of herbicide resistance researchNeve, Paul; Busi, Roberto; Renton, Michael; Vila Aiub, Martin Miguel-
22-jun-2013Genetic Diversity in Introduced Golden Mussel Populations Corresponds to Vector ActivityGhabooli, Sara; Zhan, Aibin; Sardiña, Paula; Paolucci, Esteban; Sylvester, Francisco; Perepelizin, Pablo Victor; Briski, Elizabeta; Cristescu, Melania; Maclsaac, Hugh-
ago-2015Terrestrial organic matter input suppresses biomass production in lake ecosystemsKarlsson, Jan; Bergström, Ann Kristin; Byström, Pär; Gudasz, Cristian; Rodriguez, Patricia Laura; Hein, Catherine-
jun-2013Changes in plant cover and functional traits induced by grazing in the arid Patagonian MonteBar Lamas, Marlene Ivonne; Larreguy, Cecilia; Carrera, Analía Lorena; Bertiller, Monica Beatriz-
jul-2013Plant growth and survival of five introduced and two native/naturalized perennial grass genotypes exposed to two defoliation managements in arid ArgentinaTorres, Yanina Alejandra; Busso, Carlos Alberto; Montenegro, O. A.; Ithurrart, Leticia Soledad; Giorgetti, H. D.; Rodriguez, G. D.; Bentivegna, Diego Javier; Brevedan, Roberto; Fernandez, Osvaldo Alberto; Mujica, M. M.; Baioni, S. S.; Entio, L.; Fioretti, M.; Tucat, Guillermo-
nov-2015Transiciones y afinidades biogeográficasFerro, Luis Ignacio-
nov-2014Vegetation structure is as important as climate to explain ecosystem functioning across Patagonian rangelandsGaitan, Juan J.; Oliva, Gabriel Esteban; Bran, Donaldo E.; Maestre, Fernando T.; Aguiar, Martin Roberto; Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel; Buono, Gustavo G.; Ferrante, Daniela; Nakamatsu, Viviana B.; Ciari, Georgina; Salomone, Jorge M.; Massara, Virginia-
feb-2013Removal of nutrient limitations in forest gaps enhances growth rate and resistance to cavitation in subtropical canopy tree species differing in shade toleranceVillagra, Mariana; Campanello, Paula Inés; Montti, Lia Fernanda; Goldstein, Guillermo Hernan-