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Fecha de publicaciónTítulo???itemlist.dc.creator.*??????itemlist.dc.provenance???
sep-2014Dissecting the Space-Time Structure of Tree-Ring Datasets Using the Partial Triadic AnalysisRossi, Jean Pierre; Nardin, Maxime; Godefroid, Martin; Ruiz Diaz, Manuela; Sergent, Anne Sophie; Martinez Meier, Alejandro; Paques, Luc; Rozenberg, Philippe-
ago-2016Identification of novel transcriptional regulators of PKA subunits in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by quantitative promoter-reporter screeningPautasso, María Constanza; Reca, Sol Rita; Chatfield Reed, Kate; Chua, Gordon; Galello, Fiorella Ariadna; Portela, Paula; Zaremberg, Vanina; Rossi, Silvia Graciela-
jul-2011Tendencias sucesionales de los bosques montanos subtropicales del noroeste argentinoCarilla, Julieta; Grau, Hector Ricardo-
ene-2014Minutes, days and years: molecular interactions among different scales of biological timingGolombek, Diego Andrés; Bussi, Ivana Leda; Agostino, Patricia-
ago-2014A synthetic bioisoster of trimethadione and phenytoin elicits anticonvulsant effect, protects the brain oxidative damage produced by seizures and exerts antidepressant action in micePastore, Valentina; Wasowski, Cristina Lucia N.; Higgs, Josefina; Mangialavori, Irene Cecilia; Bruno Blanch, Luis Enrique; Marder, Nora Mariel-
jul-2014The Plasmid Mobilome of the Model Plant-Symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti: Coming up with New Questions and AnswersLagares, Antonio; Sanjuán Pinilla, Juan; Pistorio, Mariano-
feb-2017Predominant role of DNA polymerase eta and p53-dependent translesion synthesis in the survival of ultraviolet-irradiated human cellsLerner, Leticia K.; Francisco, Guilherme; Soltys, Daniela T.; Rocha, Clarissa R.R.; Quinet, Annabel; Vessoni, Alexandre T.; Castro, Ligia P.; David, Taynah I.P.; Bustos, Silvina O.; Strauss, Bryan E.; Gottifredi, Vanesa; Stary, Anne; Sarasin, Alain; Chammas, Roger; Menck, Carlos F.M.-
ene-2012Regional updates: ArgentinaLavilla, Esteban Orlando-
abr-2015Long-read single molecule sequencing to resolve tandem gene copies: The Mst77Y region on the drosophila melanogaster Y chromosomeKrsticevic, Flavia Jorgelina; Schrago, Carlos G.; Carvalho, A. Bernardo-
feb-2009First record of Eudorylas schreiteri (Shannon) (Diptera: Pipunculidae) as a parasitoid of the corn leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Argentina, with a table of pipunculid-host associations in the neotropical regionVirla, Eduardo Gabriel; Moya Raygoza, Gustavo; Rafael, José A-