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9-ene-2018White-rot fungi, new biotechnological tools for a cleaner environmentLevin, Laura Noemí; Forchiassin, Flavia-
19-may-2017Using stars to determine the absolute pointing of the fluorescence detector telescopes of the Pierre Auger Observatoryde Donato, Cinzia; Prouza, Michael; Sanchez, Federico; Santander, Marcos; Camin, Daniel; Garcia, Beatriz Elena; Grassi, Valerio; Grygar, Jirí; Hrabovsky, Miroslav; Rídky, Jan; Schovánek, Petr; Trávnícek, Petr-
17-jul-2017Protein-Cofactor Interactions in Bacterial Reaction Centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26: II. Geometry of the Hydrogen Bonds to the Primary Quinone QA- by 1H and 2H ENDOR SpectroscopyFlores, M.; Isaacson, R. A.; Abresch, E. C.; Calvo, Rafael; Lubitz, W.; Feher, G.-
8-jun-2017Light curves and colours of the faint Uranian irregular satellites Sycorax, Prospero, Stephano, Setebos, and TrinculoMaris, M.; Carraro, G.; Parisi, Mirta Gabriela-
11-sep-2018Effect of β-adrenoceptors on the behaviour induced by the neuropeptide glutamic acid isoleucine amideSánchez Borzone, Mariela E.; Attademo, Andres Maximiliano; Baiardi, Gustavo Carlos; Celis, María Ester-
9-oct-2017Prolonged histamine deficiency in histidine decarboxylase gene knockout mice affects Leydig cell functionMondillo, Carolina; Falus, Andras; Pignataro, Omar Pedro; Pap, Erna-
14-dic-2017Robust Adaptive Predictive Fault-Tolerant Control Integrated to a Fault-Detection System Applied to a Nonlinear Chemical ProcessZumoffen, David Alejandro Ramon; Basualdo, Marta Susana; Jordan, Mario Alberto; Ceccatto, Hermenegildo A.-
9-dic-2018Electrochemical removal of cadmium from dilute aqueous solutions using a rotating cylinder electrode of wedge wire screensGrau, Javier Mario; Bisang, Jose MariaCONICET
5-mar-2018The rheology of colloidal and noncolloidal food dispersionsGenovese, Diego Bautista; Lozano, Jorge Enrique; Rao, M. A.CONICET
7-ene-2019Vortex dynamics and their interactions in quantum trajectoriesWisniacki, Diego Ariel; Pujals, Enrique; Borondo, F.-