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Resultados 41-50 de 870.
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Fecha de publicaciónTítulo???itemlist.dc.creator.*??????itemlist.dc.provenance???
oct-2016Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of quinolones in porcine blood: Optimization of extraction procedure and CE separation using experimental designVera Candioti, Luciana; Teglia, Carla Mariela; Cámara, María Silvia-
jun-2012Gas-phase oxidation of methyl crotonate and ethyl crotonate. Kinetic study of their reactions toward oh radicals and Cl atomsTeruel, Mariano Andres; Benitez Villalba, Julio; Caballero, Norma Beatriz; Blanco, Maria Belen-
abr-2014Development and validation of capillary electrophoretic method for determination of inorganic sulfate into doxorubicin loaded liposomesFlor, Sabrina Andrea; Estevez, Pablo Nicolás; Tripodi, Valeria Paula; Legaspi, María Julia; Mammarela, Carlos; Lucangioli, Silvia Edith-
dic-2016Nonadiabatic excited-state molecular dynamics: On-the-fly limiting of essential excited statesNelson, Tammie; Naumov, Artem; Fernández Alberti, Sebastián; Tretiak, Sergei-
jun-2015Ammonium, barium hexacyanoferrate(II) trihydrate: Synthesis, crystal structure, thermal decomposition and spectroscopic studyMedina Córdoba, Lucrecia Azucena Alcira; Echeverría, Gustavo Alberto; Piro, Oscar Enrique; Gómez, María InésCONICET
15-oct-2017Dual chiral silver catalyst in the synthetic approach to the core of hepatitis C virus inhibitor GSK 625433 using enantioselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azomethine ylides and electrophilic alkenesChabour, Ihssene; Castelló, Luis M.; Mancebo Aracil, Juan; Martín Rodríguez, María; de Gracia Retamosa, María; Nájera, Carmen; Sansano, José M.CONICET
ago-2016Chemiresistor Arrays Prepared by Simple and Fast Vapor-Phase Thiol Place-Exchange Functionalization of Gold Monolayer-Protected Cluster FilmsYang, Yang; Cornwell, Laura B.; Ibañez, Francisco Javier; Zamborini, Francis P.CONICET
oct-2013Potential-mediated interaction between dextran sulfate and negatively charged phospholipids films at air/water and liquid/liquid interfacesCámara, Candelaria Inés; Yudi, Lidia Mabel-
sep-2017Highly Ordered Gold Nanopatterned Indium Tin Oxide Electrodes for Simultaneous Optical and Electrochemical Probing Cell InteractionsPallarola, Diego Andres; Bochen, Alexander; Guglielmotti, Victoria; Oswald, Tabea A.; Kessler, Horst; Spatz, Joachim P.-
dic-2017Protonation of β-lactoglobulin in the presence of strong polyelectrolyte chains: a study using Monte Carlo simulationTorres, Paola Beatriz; Bojanich, Luciano; Sanchez Varretti, Fabricio Orlando; Ramirez Pastor, Antonio Jose; Quiroga, Evelina; Boeris, Valeria; Narambuena, Claudio Fabian-