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4-oct-2011Partially fluorinated polymer networks: Synthesis and structural characterizationMiccio, Luis Alejandro; Liaño, Rocio; Montemartini, Pablo Ezequiel; Oyanguren, Patricia Angelica-
ene-2008Temperature, conversion, and phase separation profiles during mold cure of a modified vinyl-ester resinSchroeder, Walter Fabian; Auad, M. L.; Soulé, Ezequiel Rodolfo-
feb-2011Deposition and characterization of CuInSe2 films for solar cells using an optimized chemical routeBerruet, Mariana; Schreiner, W. H.; Cere, Silvia; Vazquez, Marcela Vivian-
10-ene-2011Influence of hydrothermal synthesis conditions and device configuration on the photoresponse of UV sensors based on ZnO nanorodsSavu, Raluca; Parra, Rodrigo; Jancar, Bostjan; Zaghete, María Aparecida; Joanni, Ednan-
24-jun-2016Nanofibers obtained by electrospinning of BaTiO3 particles dispersed in polyvinyl alcohol and ethylcelluloseAvila Vanegas, Humar Alberto; Reboredo, Maria Marta; Castro, Miriam Susana; Parra, RodrigoCONICET
24-nov-2016Suitable multicomponent organic synthesis using heteropolycompounds as catalystsSanchez, Laura Mabel; Thomas, Horacio Jorge; Romanelli, Gustavo Pablo-
19-oct-2006Stainless Steels Can Be Cathodically Protected Using Energy Stored at the Marine Sediment/Seawater InterfaceOrfei, Leda Hilen; Simison, Silvia Noemi; Busalmen, Juan Pablo-
16-jul-2014Hybrid organic-inorganic macromolecular photoinitiator system for visible-light photopolymerizationDell'erba, Ignacio Esteban; Arenas, Gustavo Francisco; Schroeder, Walter Fabian; Asmussen, Silvana Valeria; Vallo, Claudia Ines-
dic-2002Caracterización de Películas Superficiales Sobre Aleaciones de Cobre: Influencia Sobre la Reducción de OxígenoBrizuela, Fernando; Ceré, Silvia; Vazquez, Marcela VivianCONICET
3-feb-2010Interphase development in a three-component polymer system with asymmetric mobilityMiguel, María de la Paz; Tomba, Juan Pablo-