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Resultados 11-20 de 77.
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Fecha de publicaciónTítulo???itemlist.dc.creator.*??????itemlist.dc.provenance???
ene-2016Paleogene Glyptodontidae Propalaehoplophorinae (Xenarthra, Cingulata) in extra-patagonian areasZurita, Alfredo Eduardo; Gonzalez, Laureano Raul; Miño Boilini, Ángel Ramón; Herbst, Rafael; Scillato Yané, Gustavo J.; Cuaranta, Pedro-
ene-2016The upper Maastrichtian dinosaur fossil record from the southern Pyrenees and its contribution to the topic of the Cretaceous–Palaeogene mass extinction eventCanudo, José I.; Oms, Oriol; Vila, Bernat; Galobart, Àngel; Fondevilla, Víctor; Puértolas Pascual, Eduardo; Garcia Sellés, Albert; Cruzado Caballero, Penélope; Dinarès Turell, Jaume; Vicens, Enric; Castanera, Diego; Company, Julio; Burrel, Laura; Estrada, Rita; Marmi, Josep; Blanco, Alejandro-
mar-2016Tectonic models for the Patagonian orogenic curve (southernmost Andes): An appraisal based on analog experiments from the Fuegian thrust-fold beltTorres Carbonell, Pablo Juan; Guzman, Cecilia Griselda; Yagupsky, Daniel Leonardo; Dimieri, Luis Vicente-
abr-2016The phylogenetic relationships of basal archosauromorphs, with an emphasis on the systematics of proterosuchian archosauriformsEzcurra, Martin Daniel-
oct-2016Morphological diversity of Neuquensaurus Powell, 1992 (Sauropoda; Titanosauria): insights from geometric morphometrics applied to the vertebral centrum shapeZurriaguz, Virginia Laura-
ago-2016Sensitive biomarker response of shrimp Palaemonetes argentinus exposed to chlorpyrifos at environmental concentrations: Role of alpha-tocopherol and metallothioneinsBertrand, Lidwina; Monferran, Magdalena Victoria; Mouneyrac, Catherine; Bonansea, Rocio Ines; Asis, Ramón; Amé, María Valeria-
abr-2016Recent changes (1973-2014 versus 1903-1972) in the flow regime of the Lower Paraná River and current fluvial pollution warnings in its Delta Biosphere ReservePuig, Alba; Olguin Salinas, Hector; Borús, Juan A.-
dic-2016Morfodinámica de las dunas costera del Cabo San Antonio, Provincia de Buenos Aires, ArgentinaLópez, Rubén Álvaro; Marcomini, Silvia Cristina; Bunicontro, Maria Paula-
sep-2016Análisis de Localización de Emprendimientos Turísticos en El Sector Norte del Partido de Villarino (Argentina)Rubio, María Laura; Duval, Valeria Soledad; Pezzola, Alejandro-
nov-2016Análisis tectonoestratigráfico del Grupo Puesto Viejo (San Rafael, Argentina): evolución de un rift continental triásicoMonti, Mariana; Franzese, Juan Rafael-