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Resultados 21-30 de 10163.
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Fecha de publicaciónTítulo???itemlist.dc.creator.*??????itemlist.dc.provenance???
mar-2016Treatment of endosulfan contaminated water with in vitro plant cell culturesLucero, Patricia; Ferrari, Monica Marta; Orden, Alejandro Agustin; Cañas, Irene; Nassetta, Mirtha María; Kurina Sanz, Marcela Beatriz-
jun-2014Point of zero charge as a factor to control biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in sol-gel derivatized aluminum alloy platesVillanueva, María Emilia; Salinas, A.; Copello, Guillermo Javier; Diaz, Luis Eduardo-
ene-2016Synthesis and pharmaceutical properties of N-acyloxymethyl prodrugs of Allop with potential anti-trypanosomal activityGualdesi, María Soledad; Ortiz, Cristina Susana; Raviolo, Mónica Ana-
oct-2016Light-Induced Polarization-Directed Growth of Optically Printed Gold NanoparticlesVioli, Ianina Lucila; Gargiulo, Julian; Von Bilderling, Catalina; Cortés, Emiliano; Stefani, Fernando Daniel-
ene-2014Minutes, days and years: molecular interactions among different scales of biological timingGolombek, Diego Andrés; Bussi, Ivana Leda; Agostino, Patricia-
ago-2014Implementation of the refined zigzag theory in shell elements with large displacements and rotationsFlores, Fernando Gabriel-
oct-2014Synopsis of Epipleoneura (Zygoptera, Coenagrionidae, "Protoneuridae"), with emphasis on its Brazilian speciesPessacq, Pablo-
may-2013Genetic structure and domestication of carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus L.) (Apiaceae)Iorizzo, Massimo; Senalik, Douglas A.; Ellison, Shelby L.; Grzebelus, Dariusz; Cavagnaro, Pablo Federico; Allender, Charlotte; Brunet, Johanne; Spooner, David M.; Van Deynze, Allen; Simon, Phillip W.-
abr-2016Aplicaciones de sustrato residual del cultivo de hongos en la producción hortícolaPostemsky, Pablo Daniel; López Castro, Ramón Ignacio-
dic-2013Evolución de la pesca costera de arrastre de fondo en Puerto Quequén, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Periodo 1999-2010Perez Comesaña, Jorge Eduardo; Nogueira, Jose Luis-