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mar-2013Development of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)-derived specific primer for the detection of Fusarium solani aetiological agent of peanut brown root rotCasasnovas, F.; Fantini, Emanuel Nicolás; Palazzini, Juan Manuel; Giaj Merlera, Guillermo; Chulze, Sofia Noemi; Reynoso, Maria Marta; Torres, Adriana Mabel-
jun-2013The effect of grain size on the forces governing the dynamic behavior of electrostatically driven powder mediaSalvatierra, Lucas Matías; Dammig Quiña, Pablo Leandro; Kovalevski, Laura Inés; Irurzun, Isabel Maria; Mola, Eduardo Elías-
abr-2013Experimental and computational study of 6-exo and 7-endo cyclization of Aryl radicals followed by Tandem SRN1 substitutionPeisino, Lucas Ernesto; Pierini, Adriana Beatriz-
oct-2013Multimessenger astronomy with gravitational waves and high-energy neutrinosAndo, Shin’ichiro; Baret, Bruny; Bartos, Imre; Bouhou, Boutayeb; Chassande Mottin, Eric; Corsi, Alessandra; Di Palma, Irene; Dietz, Alexander; Donzaud, Corinne; Eichler, David; Finley, Chad; Guetta, Dafne; Halzen, Francis; Jones, Gareth; Kandhasamy, Shivaraj; Kotake, Kei; Kouchner, Antoine; Mandic, Vuk; Marka, Szabolcs; Marka, Zsuzsa; Moscoso, Luciano; Papa, Maria Alessandra; Piran, Tsvi; Pradier, Thierry; Romero, Gustavo Esteban; Sutton, Patrick; Thrane, Eric; Van Elewyck, Veronique; Waxman, Eli-
oct-2013Paste one version of a text here.picomolar inhibitors of HIV reverse transcriptase featuring bicyclic replacement of a cyanovinylphenyl groupLee, Won Gil; Gallardo Macias, Ricardo; Frey, Kathleen M; Spasov, Krasimir A.; Bollini, Mariela; Anderson, Karen S.; Jorgensen, William L.-
7-ago-2013Fertilization induces a transient exposure of phosphatidylserine in mouse eggsCuria, Claudio Augusto; Ernesto, Juan Ignacio; Stein, Paula; Busso, Dolores; Schultz, Richard; Cuasnicu, Patricia Sara; Cohen, Debora Juana-
ene-2013On the perfect MgH2(-Nb,-Zr) systems and the influence of vacancy-like defects on their structural properties. A self-consistent first principle calculations study of the electron and positron parametersLuna, Carla Romina; German, Estefania; Macchi, Carlos Eugenio; Juan, Alfredo; Somoza, Alberto Horacio-
feb-2013Short-term impact of olive mill wastewater (OMWW) applications on the physico-chemical and microbiological soil properties of an olive grove in ArgentinaPierantozzi, Pierluigi; Torres, Mariela Analía; Verdenelli, Romina Aylen; Basanta, María; Maestri, Damian; Meriles, Jose Manuel-
ago-2013The runaway binary LP 400-22 is leaving the GalaxyKilic, Mukremin; Gianninnas, A.; Brown, Warren R.; Harris, Hugh C.; Dahn, Conard C; Agüeros, M. A.; Heinke, Craig O.; Kenyon, S. J.; Panei, J. A.; Camilo, Fernando-
abr-2013Phylogenetic relationships of a Patagonian frog radiation, the Alsodes + Eupsophus clade (Anura: Alsodidae) with comments on the supposed paraphyly of EusophusBlotto Acuña, Boris Leonardo; Nuñez, José J.; Basso, Nestor Guillermo; Ubeda, Carmen Adria; Wheeler, Ward C.; Faivovich, Julián-